This is a useful PowerShell snippet for determining how many users there are in an Active Directory group.
(Get-ADGroup "CN=MyGroup,DC=domain,DC=co,DC=uk" -Properties *).Member.Count
This is a useful PowerShell snippet for determining how many users there are in an Active Directory group.
(Get-ADGroup "CN=MyGroup,DC=domain,DC=co,DC=uk" -Properties *).Member.Count
This is a quick way to programmatically upload a .STP template file within SharePoint using PowerShell – useful if you’re transferring list templates from a development to a live environment.
$web = Get-SPWeb "http://mydomain" $folder = $web.GetFolder( "List Template Gallery" ) $files = $folder.Files $file = Get-ChildItem "C:\MyListTemplate.stp" $newfile = $files.Add( "_catalogs/lt/MyListTemplate.stp", $file.OpenRead(), $true ) $web.Dispose()
This is a handy little PowerShell snippet that I needed to use today. There were two .WSP solutions installed within the SharePoint farm and I couldn’t locate the original source code.
$farm = Get-SPFarm $solution = $farm.Solutions.Item("MySharePointSolution.wsp").SolutionFile $solution.SaveAs("C:\MySharePointSolution.wsp")
These are two very handy PowerShell snippets that I use again and again within our work environment.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 csvde -f C:\report.csv -s -r "memberof=CN=Dept:MyTartgetGroup,OU=Domain Groups,DC=mydomain,DC=ac,DC=uk" -l "sAMAccountName,name, mail"
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 Get-DistributionGroup "Dept:MyTargetGroup" | Select name,@{Name="AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom";Expression={[string]::join(";",($_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom | foreach {$_.Name}))}} | Export-Csv C:\report.csv
I have a love/hate relationship with SharePoint. Often the things that should be really simple, just aren’t. Take the “Item-level Permissions” option for instance. Every list appears to have this option (available via List Settings > Advanced Settings) except for document libraries. I’m sure the SharePoint Development Team at Microsoft have a very good reason for this…
Step forth PowerShell!
$web = Get-SPWeb http://mysharepointsite $list = $web.Lists[“A Document Library”] $list.ReadSecurity = 2 $list.WriteSecurity = 2 $list.Update() $web.Dispose()
The ReadSecurity value can be one of the following:
1 = “Read all items”
2 = “Read items that were created by the user”
The “Create and Edit access” option can also be set by specifiying a value for WriteSecurity.
1 = “Create and edit all items”
2 = “Create items and edit items that were created by the user”
4 = “None”
I do like PowerShell. Something that used to take 10-20 lines of VBS code, such as generating a report of all files stored within a folder, can now be reduced to a single line.
Get-ChildItem "X:\Software" -recurse | Select-Object Name, Extension, Length, CreationTime, LastWriteTime, Fullname | Export-CSV "D:\File Report.csv"
This is a useful peice of PowerShell script to hide specific fields from the Edit form. ShowInEditForm can also be amended to ShowInNewForm.
$assignment = Start-SPAssignment
$web = Get-SPWeb http://mysharepointserver -AssignmentCollection $assignment
$field = $web.Lists["Announcements"].Fields["Body"]
$field.ShowInEditForm = $False
Stop-SPAssignment $assignment